Sunday, January 29, 2012

Birthday Parties Revisited

So tired today. Just want to go back to sleep but the cats won't let me...they are saying "feed me" and Nala has been coming up to my face since 7 am touching it with her tiny paws with tiny claws. Of course it is 10 am now so I really should get up and face the day. today I will put things back into the new bathroom closet and finish painting the trim jobs for today. Anything else beyond that is icing on the cake. Thinking of cake, it was a really fun time at the "outlaws" where the hot tub b party was held. Watching the 8 little 8 and 9 year old girls interact so reminded me of parties for Megan and Leslie when they were little girls. As they got older, Megan's parties were held at Ontario Place in Toronto with bags of GOP, hot chocolate, ice skating outdoors then to round it off a visit to the film festival held in december at the IMAX theater. Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Empire Strikes Back are some of the ones I think I remember from those trips. Leslie's parties must have been more normal because neither she nor I can remember much about them except for one...I made a doll cake for one of hers with the barbie doll pick on the top. It turned out really great and I just remembered the party we had for her 18th birthday. Her friend Eve elped meget the fixings for a rat dissection cake. They were all taking adv biology at the time. Eve got the lab coat and some of the fixings and I had hemostats and scalpels. The cake looked like a giant white rat in a dissection tray and inside the layers were gummy hearts and other rat type parts. We surprised her with that one. That was a fun party. It was fun watching her dissect the cake. Ian had a kill Barney for his 18th b day. Only boys were invited. We had a Barney piƱata filled with candy, and a table cloth made of paper so they could all release their feelings a out Barney in drawings. It took for ever for them to break barney apart. It was Simon who finally delivered the death blow. It took forever to find all of the candies. We have photos of Ian and some of the other boys with Barney's head on top of their own. The kids will may remember the rest of them better than I do. I should really look for the pictures I know we have of those parties!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

House Renovation Part One.........................................(goes on forever)

It is Saturday, day of laundry, pay bills, post office, Jillian's hot tub b-party (helper only),return items to the newly redone bathroom closet, straighten up house best I can with construction stuff everywhere, paint trim in newly almost done bathroom...wait is this all supposed to be done on one day? I don't think so...looks more like a month! And did me tigon that I need to read and answer questions on the 4 hour long gymnastics safety course as well as start looking at the gym judging course stuff (next test is in 5 weeks- may not be able to make that one). We or maybe I should say Arthur is doing the last of the items to the new (as we call it)main bathroom. Only the painting trim needs doing and draw pulls and replacing the plastic pieces that broke on the new fancy frameless 4 panel shower door that broke when Arthur had too much wine and fell over the vacuum cleaner and some wood he had left in the same bathroom. He fell backwards into the tub. I heard a loud crash, waited then hearing no more sounds, finally got up to see what had happened (did I mention that it was after midnight). When I got to the scene of the noise I found him on his back crosswise in the tub on top of the shower door which was unable to support his weight and broke off the little plastic supports! His only comment was I think I damaged the tub. Somehow I was able to keep from killing him, got into the tub, pulled the shower door out from under him then watch as he got up and out of the tub. He was uninjuried and the glass had no scratches on it either. I suggested that he had had too much to drink and needed to go to bed with as much control in my voice as I could muster. He is lucky to have survived the night! I sure did digress on this one. He has now removed all of the entrance way tiles and sub floor...which makes sense as why not rip up some more of the house while we are at it! Actually it does make sense because all of the tools are out that he needed for tile work and it is warm enough for him to cut up all of this stuff outside. It will be wonderful when it is done and look great as he is a careful, methodical worker but I hope to live long enou to see it all through. More on this subject when I have the strength to talk about it.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Sitting in bed with Toonces (one of our two cats)on my feet, I am trying to think about what to write since I feel I should. Why do I think this...well I have a tendency to start things and not follow through with them. I also know that I do this. It isn't because I loose interest but because there are so many things I want to do that I run out of time to finish them. Okay, then do less things...but that is no fun! I have had many therapists say "you are very fragmented, you need to eliminate some of it in your life" but then (as this stand up comic says) I say nay, nay! These are the things that make my life more interesting. Leslie had a fourth grade teacher in Canada who I did a lot of volunteer work for. I really liked her. She asked me to come in and talk to the class about my hobbies. I was honored to be asked to do this so I said "yes". I tried to think about what I would talk favorite..hmmm..which one would that be. At this point in my life I must have been maybe 38 or so I was doing or had tried/learned/done how to tat (a form of lace making), knit, crochet, weaving on a large loom, quilting, sewing and kilt making, silver smithing-jewelry making, guitar, dulcimer...I'm sure I have left out a few and I had a university degree in sculpture including painting, pottery, jewelry and a minor in music. I finally decided that the best topic for me was that I liked to learn new things! The expression that I tell people is that I am a "jack of all trades and a master of none". Not entirely true but close. I guess this does make me a fragmented person but it sure is fun. I am retiring this summer to continue my learning new things life (working does get in the way of this) and finishing up a bunch of loose ends that have been waiting around for me to find time to get back to them. I will make this happen...I may have to live to be 200 or 300 years old to fit it all in...but I will give it a good try.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Klutz Strikes Again

We were at the gym meet on Saturday morning with the little level 3 girls (including Jillian.) it was a super meet and I was so proud that she went for it again since she had been so tentative before. After the meet and talking to one and all we left the gym in Albuquerque through the back door which meant we walked around a lot of the equipment. I missed falling into the in-floor trampoline which was covered with a mat as there was a parent stationed there to keep unwary klutzes from falling in but...the was no one at the uneven bars at the back of the gym. You guessed it I ran right into one of the guy wires and chains that support them. I was launched into the air, thanks to my right shin, and did a left ankle,left wrist, left shoulder and twisted body plant that probably looked like I was trying for at least a fancy rotation before I landed on my head. Lynne and Anita came running back to me saying "agree you okay?" being really embarrassed since I had not stuck my landing I said" I am fine". Of course, I wasn't fine...two days later and I hurt all OCR. My shin is swollen And bruised, I twisted my left ankle and foot, twisted my already damaged left wrist and jammed my poor unusable left shoulder that needs some for of therapy or surgery. Am I feeling sorry for bet. I can't believe I didn't see the wires but I was looking a different direction. I have always been this unaware of where different parts of my body are. Over 65 years I have fallen over lines painted on sidewalks, missed the bottom stairs, run arms, hands, feet, toesand my head into more things than I can count. When I was 5 I was pretending to be blind at least that is what I was thinking at the time and holding onto my dad's hand walked right into the corner of a building cutting my head above my eye. My mother was furious at my father for letting me do this. In university, I was riding in my morher' car riding shotgun without a seatbelt. She drove into a ditch when turning the car around on a dark road and of course i hit the top of my head on the windshield...i lived through the experience thNks to a hard head but the next morning I went out to the milk (this is when they still delivered milk to your house) and slipped on the wer porch floor twisting my neck. I ended up having cervical traction and physical therapy for around 3 months while the tendons repaired themselves. That next june,I tried out a skateboard (at the top of a hill) and not being able to stop at the bottom properly I stopped on my right wrist. While still bandaged from this episode I had a porch swing land on my right calf. For my sister's graduation from high school I am all dressed up and wearing a wrist brace and on crutches. That was a rough year for me. Good thing I was young! Two years later at TWU, I crushed my foot in a potter's wheel. Good thing I was wearing heavy leather loafers or it would have broken. For two years, the pottery instructor used me as an example for safety in the lab...he told every one I had been barefoot but that was another girl in the class. I subsequently ended up in a walking for a month and a half. I did poorly in organ and bowling since I couldn't use my left foot for either of them. The stories are endless. Stepping in a hole in Mississauga walking to the store with 4 year old Ian. Landed on my knees. His comment " we should have driven"...crutches again! Stepped in a hole I front of the York Minster in England, again with Ian, no crutches just ice and elevation. Only time I ever broke anything out of all this was 1968. I closed the garage door on three fingers of my right hand. All I could think when I looked,at them trapped in the space between the door slats was I hoped they were Still attached. I broke two of them and crushed the other one. That pain was incredible. They are right when they say that a break doesn't feel like anything else you can ever experience. When I told my mother I was taking skiing all she could say was I was crazy! That was the only activity that I ever did that I didn't get hurt doing. So far my children haven't inherited this tendency for self destruction. Lucky for them.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Gymnastics and Birthdays

Yesterday was my oldest grandchilds 9th birthday. I remember when she was born. Anthony and Leslie called us from Orno Maine saying it is time! this is about 5 am (or earlier) as I remember it. we got busy and started making airline reservations to get up there. even in the best of times it not easy to get anywhere from Albuquerque without changing planes at least twice. After throwing stuff in a bag, Arthur drove the 2 hours to the airport then I started the journey north. First I flew to Dallas, then to NYC then to Bangor where I had to rent a car and drive to the hospital. I had been flying and sitting someplace for 12 hours with the associated delays etc etc. As soon as we landed at each spot I called Anthony and asked for updates. She is in labor, she is closer, she is pushing And so on. Everyone around me on the planes were just as excited as I was. I finally got to the hospital, then to delay thing more they had to call up to L & D to make sure I was expected. Jillian was already he by 10 minutes or so. Ant (we call him "Antman") said it is a little exciting for Leslie. I knew she wanted a little girl so badly. I went upstairs and got my first sight of beautiful little Jillian behind glass. Leslie was tired but beautiful with the glow of a new mother. I will never forget that moment. Happy birthday Jillian!

no name for this one...wait...Venting!

My daughter inlaw called me to vent abut things that were happening in her life...I listened and gave a suggestion which it seems my son had also said too. I sure don't mind listening to any of them venting, crying etc, etc since I have done my share of these too...It helps to hear or say what is upsetting someone. when it is said out loud sometimes it helps to see the "forest for the trees" as it were. I hope I was a little bit of help because she has been an unbelievable help for me!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Meet the Cast

Since I am starting a blog I think I should introduce the main cast members of our play. I don't know if that is the best word for them but maybe I will think of the word I want. There were 2 of us in the beginning, Arthur and I. Then Megan came along when Arthur was stationed with the US Army in Germany. Three years later, we had another little addition named in Washington,DC named Leslie. Arthur was working at Bechtel. Five years later we had Ian, our Canadian bonus. At that point we were living in Streetsville (Mississauga ) Ontario. Arthur was now working at Atomic Energy of Canada. That is our cast of characters...but over the years our cast has grown with Anthony (Leslie), Jason (Megan) and Linda (Ian). Now there are four more cast members Jillian and David (Leslie and Anthony) and Lindsay and Elly (Ian and Linda).

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

why am I doing this?

Last night I could have given lots of reasons why I am doing a blog...a diary of sorts. Right now I am watching an episode of "The Tudors". When you watch this you know that things could always be worse. I am feeling my way through writing things down, something that has never come easy for me. The subject I disliked and did the poorest in was English composition. Maybe this will help. Enough for now...maybe I can find a photo of me but moe likely it will be of my special Grandkids!