Saturday, January 28, 2012

House Renovation Part One.........................................(goes on forever)

It is Saturday, day of laundry, pay bills, post office, Jillian's hot tub b-party (helper only),return items to the newly redone bathroom closet, straighten up house best I can with construction stuff everywhere, paint trim in newly almost done bathroom...wait is this all supposed to be done on one day? I don't think so...looks more like a month! And did me tigon that I need to read and answer questions on the 4 hour long gymnastics safety course as well as start looking at the gym judging course stuff (next test is in 5 weeks- may not be able to make that one). We or maybe I should say Arthur is doing the last of the items to the new (as we call it)main bathroom. Only the painting trim needs doing and draw pulls and replacing the plastic pieces that broke on the new fancy frameless 4 panel shower door that broke when Arthur had too much wine and fell over the vacuum cleaner and some wood he had left in the same bathroom. He fell backwards into the tub. I heard a loud crash, waited then hearing no more sounds, finally got up to see what had happened (did I mention that it was after midnight). When I got to the scene of the noise I found him on his back crosswise in the tub on top of the shower door which was unable to support his weight and broke off the little plastic supports! His only comment was I think I damaged the tub. Somehow I was able to keep from killing him, got into the tub, pulled the shower door out from under him then watch as he got up and out of the tub. He was uninjuried and the glass had no scratches on it either. I suggested that he had had too much to drink and needed to go to bed with as much control in my voice as I could muster. He is lucky to have survived the night! I sure did digress on this one. He has now removed all of the entrance way tiles and sub floor...which makes sense as why not rip up some more of the house while we are at it! Actually it does make sense because all of the tools are out that he needed for tile work and it is warm enough for him to cut up all of this stuff outside. It will be wonderful when it is done and look great as he is a careful, methodical worker but I hope to live long enou to see it all through. More on this subject when I have the strength to talk about it.

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